[Openchrome-users] mplayer and P4M900 and xvmc

J. Dale Gonzalez dale.gonzalez
Tue Feb 12 06:27:31 PST 2008

On 2/12/08, J. Dale Gonzalez <dale.gonzalez at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> After successfully getting openchrome running and theoretically
> getting DRM and agp running, I'm trying to patch mplayer.  I've tried
> using the diff files against the current mplayer trunk, which
> obviously didn't work.  I manually made the changes to the necessary
> files and recompiled and got something to compile.  When I attempted
> to view HD video, I got a message stating that the system couldn't
> find a suitable canvas (or something the actual log is attached).
> Finally, thinking I had messed up applying the changes,  I grabbed the
> rc2 source and the rc2 patch file and tried HD video.  I got the same
> message as when I took trunk and hand applied the diff.
> So, here's where I am: standard def video plays fine with just the
> "-vo xv" both with rc2 and my hand applied changes.  High def video
> "tries" to play.  The system keeps up for a little while and then I
> start getting warnings, video audio sync issues occur, etc...  With
> "-vo xvmc,xv -vc ffmpeg12mc," both the rc2 source and the hand patched
> source show a screen filled with green and purple snow.  I attempted
> to do a screen grab but all I got was a black rectangle.  I'm assuming
> that the direct draw to the graphics card is bypassing whatever the OS
> uses to do screen grab.  I can take a photo by hand if someone really
> needs to see it.
> I've attached Xorg.0.log and the output from mplayer SD and HD when
> running with the "-vo xvmc,xv -vc ffmpeg12mc," switches.
> Two questions, first is something busted with either my openchrome
> install, DRM patch or agp patch?  Did I mess something up with
> mplayer? Or is the P4M900 just not really supported for XvMC.
> Second, does anyone want the diff file I created for the current trunk
> of mplayer and the patches spec'd by the rc2 patch file?  I can't
> verify that it works with xvmc for the problems noted above but it
> does compile and show video without the xvmc flag.

Forgot to attach the files (slaps head)
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Url : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20080212/8a7e826c/Xorg.0.log-0001.bin

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