[Openchrome-users] Problem with font and Device "openchrome"

let userforum
Thu Feb 14 01:24:09 PST 2008

Re: Problem with font and Device "openchrome"

mmmmm  i'm sorry for my language but i think that you not understand more quickly problem......

where I not explain my problem?

i've compiled sources of trunk svn... 

KDM dont start when I write "openchrome" in xorg.conf (for Driver)...desktop frozen and black screen remain,

When i write "via" on xorg.conf ..kde start ....but font are not readable ..i can't read it! it changes when i pass on it with mouse.

THE PROBLEM IS: how i can start with "openchrome" string on xorg.conf ?

(if you read README on Cvs I HAD TO SET IT!)

i've tryed to explain that i've try to start in failsafe mode.. and from console..after first boot with "via"
i've changed with vim string Driver in "openchorme"  and the result is kde start without freeze and 
font are readable

How i can do?

excuse me for my language,


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