[Openchrome-users] TVOut, x11vnc and double xorg

vpcompany@tiscali.it vpcompany
Fri Feb 15 10:28:40 PST 2008

hi all!

I'm trying to workaround the limitation imposed by VT1625+CN700 (I've a
en1200 epia) running with tvout @ 1280x720.

since it's impossible to switch to a different resolution quickly (the
720P mode is hardcoded), I use 2 xorg on 2 different VTs:

- the first (vt7) is my default desktop running without tvout and @

- the second (vt8) with TVOut enabled, running 720P to watch movies.

all is fine, I can quickly switch back and forth with ctrl+alt+[f7,f8]

*** now here is my problem:
if I need to see a window of the vt7 aside another on vt8 what I could
I tried to use x11vnc on one and vncviewer on the other but all I can
see is a black screen! (anyway of the right dimension=screenresolution)

seems the inactive screen is blanked out when I'm on the other one...
Is it normal?
can I use a different solution to do what I'd like instead using vnc?
(I thought about a 3rd virtual screen with my real 1280x1024 desktop
managed by a vncserver and vt7+vt8 as shared vnc clients, one
fullscreen and the other windowed)
should I use a particular xorg option?
there is any news about ctrl+plus ctrl+minus enabled when using 720P

I think the best solution would be a single xorg configured to run both
@720P(tv enabled) and @1280x1024(tv disabled) in modes section.

kind regards and great job!

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