[Openchrome-users] Problem with font and Device "openchrome"

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Wed Feb 27 12:35:42 PST 2008

let wrote:
> Re: Problem with font and Device "openchrome"
> hi 
> first  iwould to thank you for your answer.
> version openchrome driver is 0.3.0 (exactly .module version = 0.2.901)
> at revision 528  (you can see on atachment)
> I presume if i make update http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/trunk openchrome  i wil have the last version of it
> right?
> i set AGPDMA "false"
> now... when i try to load "openchrome" driver... same thing...black screen frozen mouse...
> instead of when I set "via" all work right
> I note that if i start on failsafe mode...from console startx.... with "openchrome" it start...
> it start with openchrome only on runlevel 3 ...from console...in failsafe mode 
> I continua to have problem with screensaver and lock session... and any time...mouse disappear
> any help
> thanks
> Piero
> ps attach is the only Xorg.0.log that it make when start first run with "openchrome" driver
> i'm certain that is new,,,,because i've deleted all log before
hmm, could it be again some sort of weird VBE issue ?
Could you please try to build from the randr branch and report back 
(with the xorg log) ?
for some explanations and a build howto.


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