Re: [Openchrome-users] VIA chrome 9HC drivers don´t work :(

Djeezus gert.vandelaer
Tue Jan 1 14:06:15 PST 2008

Hya Alexis,

> Do I have to use these as modules, or can I patch the files and build a
> monolithic kernel again,

sure, you can build them static in kernel too.

> as I always get errors in dmesg "drm: exports
> duplicate symbol drm_order (owned by kernel)" and one for agpgart (other
> symbol) when I try to modprobe.

If you build fresh kernel, and want custom modules as replacement for
kernel ones, create a /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra
directory, where you put your custom .ko files.  This way you can
delete kernel built ones or not even build them at all.
DRM is not yet useful for P4M900 cards as 3D support does not yes work.

But if you want to stick with modules, via-agp and agpgart are needed
for regular X use, which works fine I might add.

> I tried  uninstalling and installing x11 (incl. x11-drm drivers), I freshly
> downloaded kernel sources and build everything from scratch, ran depmod ...
> I can?t find the error :(

Xorg 7.x should be fine, just make sure you use openchrome Driver in
your xorg.conf


iT's aLl jUsT f0r LaUgH5 I teLLz yA !

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