[Openchrome-users] Artefacts again

Stefan Scheffler stefanscheffler
Wed Jan 9 06:00:02 PST 2008

Am Wed, 9 Jan 2008 10:59:38 +0100
schrieb schoenfeld / in-medias-res <schoenfeld at in-medias-res.com>:

> On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 10:47:31AM +0100, Stefan Scheffler wrote:
> > I'm not really sure if this really has something todo with accell,
> > because if I start X first with unichrome then with openchrome it's
> > working correctly too.
> Eh. Thats sounds very much like coincidence, because I don't see any
> relation between the different starts of X. But I can't test this
> anyway because unichrome driver does not know about my display/chipset
> combination.

dunno .. it's reproducable even if it sounds a bit
strange. Makes me curious though.


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