[Openchrome-users] regressions from svn 462:500 (Was: Re: Your message to openchrome-users awaits moderator approval)

Forest Bond forest
Mon Jan 14 12:38:39 PST 2008


On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 04:09:45PM +0100, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> The driver you are using is too old. Please update to latest svn from trunk 
> and send another xorg log.

Using svn revision 500 I am getting screen corruption using a plain old CRT.
This worked fine using svn revision 462 (what I was using before).

* The mouse cursor is a square box whose contents is constantly change color.
* There is a vertical line the same height as this box that follows the Y
  position of the mouse "cursor" but remains at a fixed X coordinate (so it
  moves up and down with the mouse cursor).
* When the mouse cursor box is in contact with the bottom of the screen, the
  entire screen blanks except for a strip at the bottom, where the content that
  was previously at the top of the screen is displayed.

Further, I can't seem to use new modes added via custom modelines.  This also
worked before.  Now I get the following log message:

(II) CHROME(0): Not using mode "1024x720" (no mode of this name)

All of this has little bearing on my original issue, of course, but I'm happy to
help sort these problems out, if that is welcome.

Forest Bond
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