[Openchrome-users] regressions from svn 462:500

Forest Bond forest
Tue Jan 15 13:35:49 PST 2008


On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 07:32:11PM +0100, Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Forest Bond wrote:
> > * Subtle artifacts around UI elements (funny pixels, etc.).
> > * Long horizontal lines where there shouldn't be any.
> > * Appears to be a bug in the VGA BIOS (occurs with both vesa &
> > openchrome drivers).
> What makes you think it is a BIOS bug?  Why not Xorg?  Or maybe the 
> display itself is doing weird interpolation?

Well, it's probably not the display, since we've seen the same issue with two
different displays (made by two different manufacturers).

BIOS bugs are quite common, I've found.  I'm not ruling out Xorg, I just feel
that it is more likely a BIOS bug, but I could be wrong.

> > Details of the current problem, new since upgrading from svn462
> > to svn500:
> >
> > * Occurs with standard CRT, and (presumably) with other displays
> > as well. * Mouse cursor replaced by a trippy square box.
> > * Short vertical line that appears to be a one-dimensional
> > projection of the mouse cursor box onto a vertical axis
> Can you checkout SVN r462 again and verify that that version works 
> okay?  And if it does, then please find the revision that broke it, 
> by repeatedly checking out a version somewhere halfway.

Well, I checked 462 again, and it does work.

The problem is that I checked 500 again after that, and it also seems to
(mostly) work.  I can only assume that I must've compiled or copied files
incorrect on my previous effort...  I'm really not sure how it happened, and
the previous build is gone.

There is one minor regression from 462:500 that I am sure about.  Previously,
with 462, my mouse cursor had a bluish tint to it.  I did 'Option "HWCursor"
"false"' and that seemed to fix things.  It no longer fixes things with r500.

Now, regarding my original issue:

I see this issue with both 462 and 500, with or without 'Option "ActiveDevice"

I did not see this issue under very specific circumstances:

My VGA cable went missing, so I grabbed one from a spare monitor.  I started
doing some testing, and the problem had mysteriously vanished, with both driver
versions.  Shortly after that, the display stopped detecting the signal from my
test machine.  I can only assume the cable is going bad, and that this had some
impact on the VESA signalling (which I admittedly know very little about).

With a different cable, the problem is occuring again.  The problem is not
specific to this cable.

Need logs?  Just let me know which logs you are interested in (revision,
circumstances, options, etc...).

Forest Bond
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