[Openchrome-users] Acer AL2423W monitor at 1920x1200

Zoilo Gomez zoilo
Tue Jan 15 15:34:34 PST 2008

I have a Jeyway J7F2 mobo with CN700 chip-set, and cannot seem to get it
to work properly with my 24" Acer monitor at 1920x1200 resolution on VGA.

With the simple xorg.conf file as attached, I get the following results:
=> monitor reports 1920x1200 resolution on OSD
=> xwininfo reports 1920x1200 resolution as well
=> screen looks stretched out (=too big) in horizontal direction,
vertical resolution seems to be OK.

I tried using "Option "VBEModes" "true", but in that case the resolution
falls back to 1920x1080, and the content is moved to the right, with a
black vertical bar on the left side of the screen.

Can anyone confirm that a similar configurations works fine using

Any suggestions on how to get this to work? Should I start studying the
scary ModeLines section?


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