[Openchrome-users] Openchrome on OBSD 4.2 working

mrdubya userforum
Sun Jan 27 08:31:31 PST 2008

Re: Openchrome on OBSD 4.2 working
> mrdubya wrote:
> > I did a clean checkout, build on a joe bloggs user account and
> > the install as root.  After this the svnversion.h.tmp file was
> > owned by root, so I assume the install process is regenerating
> > the .tmp file for some reason.
> Hmm, now I get it.  It says '.PHONY: svnversion.h' in Makefile.am, 
> meaning that svnversion.h.tmp gets recreated every time 'make' is 
> run.  The second time it doesn't get moved because its contents are 
> equal to the already existing svnversion.h, so it stays.
> Simple solution is: remove the .PHONY target (which is wrong anyhow, 
> as svnversion.h is a real file, not a fake target name).  But then 
> svnversion.h would never get regenerated.  To achieve that, it 
> should depend on all source files: ($openchrome_drv_la_SOURCES). 
> Does that sound right?

It does, and trying it out this morning it works. It is just a minor annoyance but ti would be great if this could be fixed.

Many thanks for all the replies.



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