[Openchrome-users] openchrome - epia SN18000G - resolution problems

Buchner Michael buggi
Wed Jan 30 09:53:11 PST 2008

Michael Buchner wrote:
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 01:35:06 +0100
>> Von: Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org>
>> An: Buchner Michael <buggi at gmx.at>
>> CC: openchrome-users at openchrome.org
>> Betreff: Re: [Openchrome-users] openchrome - epia SN18000G - resolution	problems
>> Buchner Michael wrote:
>>> Buchner Michael wrote:
>>>> Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>>>>> Buchner Michael wrote:
>>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>>> I've a problem with the setup mentioned in the topic and I'm running 
>>>>>> out of ideas ;( Maybe one of you can help me or at least give me 
>>>>>> some hints what to do ...
>>>>>> Well as you can imagine I'm using openchrome as driver for my 
>>>>>> graphics card. My Mainboard is the via epia SN18000G vith VIA VT8251 
>>>>>> South Bridge and CN896 North Bridge. 
>> (http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/mainboards/motherboards.jsp?motherboard_id=550) 
>>>>>> I've played a lot to get Xorg running a now it basically is, BUT 
>>>>>> with some problems. i want to connect my LCD TV Screen to be used as 
>>>>>> monitor. The TV's user manual says that the resolution is 1366x768 
>>>>>> with 60Hz.
>>>>>> within the xorg log file I can see this:
>>>>>> (**) CHROME(0): *Mode "1280x720": 59.4 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 
>>>>>> 37.9 kHz, 50.1
>>>>>>  Hz
>>>>>> (II) CHROME(0): Modeline "1280x720"   59.42  1280 1312 1536 1568  
>>>>>> 720 735 741 75
>>>>>> 7
>>>>>>  which is the supported resolution according to edid (?)
>>>>>> If I use the modeline manually (or another one for 1366x720 at 60) the 
>>>>>> resolution is ok but I get some kind of flickering. If I don't use 
>>>>>> any modeline the resolution is at 1280x720 according to xvidtune but 
>>>>>> the picture is not fitting the monitor. it seems to feel that my 
>>>>>> screen is bigger in either direction as it actually is. but there is 
>>>>>> no flickering ...
>>>>>> I also should mention that I need to use the
>>>>>>      Option          "DDC" "false"
>>>>>> within the Screen Section of xorg.conf. Otherwise I only get
>> 1024x768.
>>>>>> I really can't remember what I've already tried ... way too much ;)
>>>>>> Does anyone have any idea?
>>>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>>> How is your TV connected to the board ?
>>>>> Please post your xorg conf and xorg log (compressed). My bet would be 
>>>>> either you are using Option "VBEModes" either you are using Option 
>>>>> "ActiveDevice" "LCD".
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Xavier
>>>> Hi,
>>>> TV is connected via VGA cable. I've used both settings during my 
>>>> experiments with xorg, but right now it's not included anymore. It's 
>>>> now stripped down to a very basic and simple xorg.conf (see attached)
>>>> thanks
>>> does anyone have some hints for me? ;)
>> The conf looks good.
>> How did you generate your modeline ? I suggest using cvt.
>> Did you try with a reduced blanking modeline ? ( This needs an 
>> additional option in the xorg conf, something like "ReduceAllowed", 
>> serach the mailing lists' archives).
>> Did you try with 1366x768 ? 1366x768 with reduced blanking ?
>> Regards,
>> Xavier
> hi,
> yeah I did try with 1366x768 but not with reduced blanking ... will try this tonight when I'm back home.
> thanks

thanks again for the idea but it's still not working ;(

If I use the config attached I still have the problem with the "big 
picture". The modeline I use there was generated by cvt with the -r 
option. If I uncomment the Horisync and VertRefresh Option I get the 
flickering again and the picture is only cut off at the right and left 
border (upper and lower border of the screen seem to be ok).

If I use the "normal" 1280x720 modeline I'm just getting a resolution of 
1024x768 ...

I'm getting really furstrated ;)

Does anyone have _any_ idea?

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