[Openchrome-users] FC8

Tony Grant tony
Thu Jan 31 05:56:02 PST 2008

Le jeudi 31 janvier 2008 ? 13:57 +0100, Ondrej Wisniewski a ?crit :

> I noticed the same annoying feature with Google Earth (limited to a 
> square). The square seems to be at a fixed position, so even if I move 
> around the window, the square where the earth is drawn doesn't move. 
> Additionally, moving the window will lock up everything eventually.

Yes I have that "feature"

> Is there a good explanation for this? Can this be fixed in some way or 
> do we have to wait for a new Mesa update?

Before the last Mesa upgrade Google Earth was no working at all and
glxgears was at 220 fps so I think the secret lies there

> I am running Kubuntu 7.10 with the latest OpenChrome driver compiled 
> from source.
> Is the EXA acceleration working for you?

It works but the screen does not redraw so I turned it off.




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