[Openchrome-users] CN700 XvMCScreenInit fails and I'm stuck in 640x480

TiCPU userforum
Mon Mar 3 14:30:57 PST 2008

CN700 XvMCScreenInit fails and I'm stuck in 640x480
Sorry if I double posted but I couldn't see my post in here after posting.

After compiling the DRM and AGP modules from VIA's Unichrome drivers, and compiling latest SVN with Mesa 7, if I start X, I'm stuck in 640x480, whatever I put in Xorg.conf and xrandr. 3D acceleration is working though, I'm getting 1300FPS in glxgears. I'll be able to post an Xorg log on request but I'm not at the computer which has the problem anymore, a VIA VT8237R Plus MiniITX. But I think the XvMCScreenInit failed error was the only one in the log.

If anyone could tell me what I could try to fix it, thank you :)


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