[Openchrome-users] Low quality 2D in ARCH Linux + openchrome + VIA K8M890

Felipe Reyes felipereyes
Wed May 7 14:47:55 PDT 2008

El mi?, 07-05-2008 a las 13:38 +0200, Karolina escribi?:
> onsdagen den 7 maj 2008 skrev daz:
> I am using archlinux and the openchrome driver and it works great, and even if 
> 2D speed is not blazing, it is acceptable.  One year ago, or so, performance 
> was horrible, and I put an ATI RAGE PRO, in my machine. But now the via 
> openchrome driver does not give any noticable speed degradation anymore.
> I have the K8M800, and 3D does not work with the archlinux stock driver, and 
> instead freezes the machine. But with kernel 2.6.25 and driver 0.2.902 even 
> 3D acceleration works
> This is what I have in xorg.conf, if it matters
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier  "VIA Technologies, Inc. S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter"
> #    Driver      "via"
>     Driver      "openchrome"
>     Option "DisableIRQ" "true"
>     Option "EnableAGPDMA" "true"
>     Option "AccelMethod"  "EXA"
>     Option "ExaScratchSize" "8192"
>     Option "MaxDRIMem" "16384"
>     Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
>     Option "PanelSize"  "1024x768"
>     # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
> EndSection
> I don't know if this glxgears speed is good or bad, but at least it does not 
> cause a freeze or crash.
nice :) I have the same chipset, but the 3D acceleration freeze my
machine, currently I'm using the kernel 2.6.25-rc8 (I'm too lazy to
compile the lastest :P) because with this one I can have EnableAGPDMA
seted to true.

what mesa libs are you using?, do you use f-spot?, that freeze the
machine thanks to nice a bug on unichrome_dri module.
> shakti:~$ glxgears
> do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.
> 2018 frames in 5.0 seconds = 403.442 FPS
> 2205 frames in 5.0 seconds = 440.803 FPS
> ^C
> shakti:~$
I don't know if that's is top power of the card (probably not), but at
least is better than software rendering :)

somebody knows about that IRQs related message?

Felipe Reyes Astorga
Estudiante de Ingenier?a Ejec. Inform?tica
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
counter.li.org #316380
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