[Openchrome-users] Fwd: Fwd: CX700M2 and DVI

Martin Kihlgren zondolfin
Thu May 8 06:38:35 PDT 2008

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 3:28 PM, John Robinson
<john.robinson at anonymous.org.uk> wrote:
>  I just looked at the MiniMyth site, and it looks like current MiniMyth has
> a recent release version. Still, you could try building trunk or the randr
> branch yourself.

Yup, I'll try to build trunk versions of different kinds and report my
success :)

>  I'm confused too, I was probably misquoting from an old item from Ivor
> Hewitt:
> http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/2006-August/001678.html

Ah, I see - I am not at all familiar with how mpeg4-decoding works,
but it seems there are middle steps that need data shuffling. Oh well.

I thought, however, that mpeg4 decoding was heavier on the cpu than
mpeg2 decoding, and if the cpu does mpeg4 decoding without the built
in decoder, why is there an mpeg2 decoder in hardware at all?

I am starting to realize there are lots of things I don't understand here :D


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