[Openchrome-users] Fwd: CX700M2 and DVI

John Robinson john.robinson
Thu May 8 06:28:09 PDT 2008

On 08/05/2008 14:15, Martin Kihlgren wrote:
> Cool! Then I will try it out a bit more!
>  So far I only tried the version in minimyth, and it had no DVI
>  support, but hopefully I will find that openchrome in minimyth was
>  just too old :)

I just looked at the MiniMyth site, and it looks like current MiniMyth 
has a recent release version. Still, you could try building trunk or the 
randr branch yourself.

>  How come mpeg4 has so much feed-overhead? mpeg2 should reasonably need
>  more feeding, since the compression ratio is so much lower? Or am I
>  just confused here?

I'm confused too, I was probably misquoting from an old item from Ivor 

>  Nice! Do you know about mplayer? (currently my favorite mediaplayer)

I don't use it but I vaguely recall it needs patching, though that too 
may no longer be true. Anyway, MiniMyth claims to include mplayer with 
XvMC-VLD patches.



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