[Openchrome-users] Problems configuring TV-Out for Pal

qxc@gmx.de qxc
Sun Nov 16 04:46:37 PST 2008


I'm using a Jewtay/VIA mainboard with Unichrome Pro graphics on a PAL-TV via the S-Video output and have some problems configuring the correct TV resolution (distribution is Fedora 8).

When I use the screen mode 720x576 the resulting picture is too small and I have big black borders around the complete desktop. When I use the mode 720x576Noscale the picture is too big and parts of the desktop are completely outside the area I can display with my TV.

The funny thing is: when I use xvidtune to find an appropriate modeline for the xorg.conf there is no modification that improves the picture. Clicking one of the xvidtune-buttons to move or scale the picture only once leads to a flickering picture, additional clicks damage it completely.

So how can I configure the openchrome driver to work properly with a PAL TV and to get a full-screen picture?

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger geh?rt? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

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