[Openchrome-users] Problems configuring TV-Out for Pal

Paul Gardiner lists
Sun Nov 16 06:04:35 PST 2008

qxc at gmx.de wrote:
>  .
 >  .
 >  .
> When I use the mode 720x576Noscale the picture is too big and parts of the desktop are completely outside the area I can display with my TV.

I believe it's supposed to be that way. Most TVs overscan. You should
scale the menus to fit, but not the TV playback. Any processing of the
playback will lose quality, so no scaling, no TVDeflicker, and no

> The funny thing is: when I use xvidtune to find an appropriate modeline for the xorg.conf there is no modification that improves the picture.

The drivers have a built in set of modelines. They are not read from
xorg.conf AFAIK.


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