[Openchrome-users] screen corruption with and without VBEModes

Michael Schulze micha.3d
Sat Sep 13 04:12:33 PDT 2008


I'm using a FSC Amilo Pro 2030 (Xubuntu 8.04) with a VN800 Chip and a
15"(1024x768) TFT Panel and if I switch my resolution (inside of an
openGl application) with the openchrome driver (VBE_Modes) my screen
becomes unusable:

I think its the same problem like this:

This problem appeared in all openchrome-versions and all the
distributions I have tested. Using the vesa driver has the same effect.
I don't have this problem if I use the via-driver which avoids VBE_Modes 
but I prefer to use openchrome (less other problems) so I was happy to see this:


I tried it three days ago but it's worse since the screen is corrupted
already after Xorg starts. The corruption looks different and the lines
are moving a bit:
The Cursor is not involved in this problem, there is just a little drawing-problem on my system:

I tried different resolutions, modelines and openchrome options but I
can't make it work correctly.

I would be glad to know which more things I could try.


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