[Openchrome-users] turn off the backlight on LCD panel

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Apr 6 03:57:44 PDT 2009

Brad Reeves wrote:
> Thanks Xavier,
> I am including my Xorg.0.log.
> To answer your questions, my panel is connected through the internal LVDS port. 
>  I will load the latest trunk and try some of your suggestions.  I was under the 
> impression that 1024x768 was only supported by VBE modes - if this is not the 
> case, please let me know.  By the way, my xorg.conf has been created by trial 
> and error from information I have been able to find in this list as well as in 
> various forums.  Any help you can give to properly configure it would be 
> appreciated.
> Also, one more unrelated question - the Adobe Flash 10 plugin does not seem to 
> be able to use hardware acceleration.  Does this have anything to do with 
> openchrome?  Any insights on this problem would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> -Brad
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> Brad Reeves
> <mroven at breeves.com <mailto:mroven at breeves.com>>
> www.breeves.com <http://www.breeves.com>
> On Apr 3, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>> Brad Reeves wrote:
>>> I have a system built on the VIA NR10000EG with CX700 graphics.  I have 
>>> installed the latest openchrome from svn about a month ago.   I am running 
>>> Xubuntu 8.04LT and cannot figure out how to turn off the backlight.
>>> i have tried the screensaver, however the screen blanks but the backlight is 
>>> still on.  Also tried "xset dpms force off" with similar results - blank 
>>> screen, backlight stilll on.
>>> I have attached my xorg.conf.
>> The xorg conf is not the most important here, please provide the xorg log 
>> (compressed). And also, it would be much better if you update to latest trunk 
>> first.
>> From your xorg conf :
>> Section "Device"
>>        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
>>        Driver          "openchrome"
>> #  required for LCD panel
>>        Option   "ActiveDevice" "LCD"
>>        Option   "VBEModes" "true"
>>        Option   "PanelSize" "1024x768"
>> #fixes a redraw problem in xubuntu
>>        Option  "EnableAGPDMA" "false"
>> EndSection
>> Section "Monitor"
>>        Identifier      "Configured Monitor"
>> # to disable screen blanking
>>        Option  "DPMS"
>> EndSection
>> How is your panel connected to the board ? VGA port ? DVI/HDMI port ? Internal 
>> LVDS port ?
>> Why do you need to use VBEModes ?
>> Why do you need to force the PanelSize ?
>> If your using the DVI port, which might explain the VBEModes and PanelSize 
>> option, there's native support for the CX700 TMDS encoder in trunk, so these 
>> hacks are probably not needed.
>> Why do you need to disable AGPDMA ? This is possibly fixed in SVN too.
>> Also, Option "DPMS" is _not_ disabling screen blanking, you need to use Option 
>> "DPMS" "0".
>> Regards,
>> Xavier
I would try with that :
Section "Device"
         Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
         Driver          "openchrome"
         Option          "ActiveDevice" "LCD"
         Option          "ForcePanel"

If and only if the panel size is not detected properly, then add :
         Option          "PanelSize" "1024x768"

Please send the logs for both confs if it doesn't help.


PS: please stay on list, please don't top post.

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