[Openchrome-users] turn off the backlight on LCD panel

Brad Reeves mroven
Mon Apr 6 20:12:33 PDT 2009


Again, thanks for your help.  I have made the changes you suggested to  
my xorg.conf and things are going smoothly. I have attached my xorg. 
0.log.   I did not need to use "Option PanelSize", as you thought.   
The only real change to my system is a significant increase in speed  
when running glxgears - from 450fps to 650fps.

However, I still have a few issues:
1.  My original question was related to how I can turn off the panel  
backlight from the command line.  I am still not able to do it using  
"xset dpms force off"
2.  I am not sure I understand correctly how to use the 'Option "DPMS"  
"0"' in xorg.conf.  What I want is to have the screen on always - no  
screen saver, no automatic blanking.  I do, however, want to be able  
to blank the screen (including killing the backlight) manually.
3.  And one issue that has not changed is that in VLC, Xvideo always  
plays in an overlay that doesnt allow menus, etc. to show through.   
X11 video behaves as expected, but I prefer Xv as it is much hight  
quality video.  Any suggestions on how to get Xvideo to play without  


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On Apr 6, 2009, at 3:57 AM, Xavier Bachelot wrote:

> Brad Reeves wrote:
>> Thanks Xavier,
>> I am including my Xorg.0.log.
>> To answer your questions, my panel is connected through the  
>> internal LVDS port.
>> I will load the latest trunk and try some of your suggestions.  I  
>> was under the
>> impression that 1024x768 was only supported by VBE modes - if this  
>> is not the
>> case, please let me know.  By the way, my xorg.conf has been  
>> created by trial
>> and error from information I have been able to find in this list as  
>> well as in
>> various forums.  Any help you can give to properly configure it  
>> would be
>> appreciated.
>> Also, one more unrelated question - the Adobe Flash 10 plugin does  
>> not seem to
>> be able to use hardware acceleration.  Does this have anything to  
>> do with
>> openchrome?  Any insights on this problem would be appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> -Brad
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ---------------------------------
>> Brad Reeves
>> <mroven at breeves.com <mailto:mroven at breeves.com>>
>> www.breeves.com <http://www.breeves.com>
>> On Apr 3, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>>> Brad Reeves wrote:
>>>> I have a system built on the VIA NR10000EG with CX700 graphics.   
>>>> I have
>>>> installed the latest openchrome from svn about a month ago.   I  
>>>> am running
>>>> Xubuntu 8.04LT and cannot figure out how to turn off the backlight.
>>>> i have tried the screensaver, however the screen blanks but the  
>>>> backlight is
>>>> still on.  Also tried "xset dpms force off" with similar results  
>>>> - blank
>>>> screen, backlight stilll on.
>>>> I have attached my xorg.conf.
>>> The xorg conf is not the most important here, please provide the  
>>> xorg log
>>> (compressed). And also, it would be much better if you update to  
>>> latest trunk
>>> first.
>>> From your xorg conf :
>>> Section "Device"
>>>       Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
>>>       Driver          "openchrome"
>>> #  required for LCD panel
>>>       Option   "ActiveDevice" "LCD"
>>>       Option   "VBEModes" "true"
>>>       Option   "PanelSize" "1024x768"
>>> #fixes a redraw problem in xubuntu
>>>       Option  "EnableAGPDMA" "false"
>>> EndSection
>>> Section "Monitor"
>>>       Identifier      "Configured Monitor"
>>> # to disable screen blanking
>>>       Option  "DPMS"
>>> EndSection
>>> How is your panel connected to the board ? VGA port ? DVI/HDMI  
>>> port ? Internal
>>> LVDS port ?
>>> Why do you need to use VBEModes ?
>>> Why do you need to force the PanelSize ?
>>> If your using the DVI port, which might explain the VBEModes and  
>>> PanelSize
>>> option, there's native support for the CX700 TMDS encoder in  
>>> trunk, so these
>>> hacks are probably not needed.
>>> Why do you need to disable AGPDMA ? This is possibly fixed in SVN  
>>> too.
>>> Also, Option "DPMS" is _not_ disabling screen blanking, you need  
>>> to use Option
>>> "DPMS" "0".
>>> Regards,
>>> Xavier
> I would try with that :
> Section "Device"
>         Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
>         Driver          "openchrome"
>         Option          "ActiveDevice" "LCD"
>         Option          "ForcePanel"
> EndSection
> If and only if the panel size is not detected properly, then add :
>         Option          "PanelSize" "1024x768"
> Please send the logs for both confs if it doesn't help.
> Regards,
> Xavier
> PS: please stay on list, please don't top post.

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