[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #337: X locks up under full screen mplayer on vx800

OpenChrome Trac trac
Sat Nov 21 13:10:52 PST 2009

#337: X locks up under full screen mplayer on vx800
Reporter:  padgettr  |       Owner:  somebody       
    Type:  defect    |      Status:  new            
Priority:  minor     |   Component:  xv             
 Version:  trunk     |    Keywords:  VX800, xv, NC20
Blocking:            |   Blockedby:                 
 On NC20 (vx800) using mplayer with xv, making video full screen sometimes
 locks up X hard. This happens using the DWM window manager, but not if I
 use blackbox. As a test, I tried running without a window manager, and X
 locked up again on full screen, but it doesn't always happen... There is
 no info in the Xorg log about the problem, except once it did say
 something like "X in an infinite loop", but I didn't save the log and I
 can't reproduce that again for some reason. I do get a lot of messages
 saying "viaWaitVideoCommandFire: Timeout" if that helps. I also tried it
 on some older hardware I have (K8M800) using all the same versions of Xorg
 and Mplayer , DWM & same system (Arch linux64 bit), but it didn't happen -
 looks like its only a vx800 chipset problem.

 I'm using Arch linux, 64 bit, X.Org X Server, MPlayer
 SVN-r29776-4.4.1. The problem happens with both the latest release
 (0.2.904), and latest SVN (819).

 If you need further info please let me know (Xorg log attached). I don't
 know if this is the driver or Xorg itself... I noticed a similar bug
 report about 2 years ago that turned out to be Xorg related!

 I've marked this as minor, as it doesn't always happen & XV works when I
 get full screen, but I can always reproduce it by constantly switching
 between full screen & window repeatedly.


Ticket URL: <http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/337>
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