[Openchrome-users] A black screen is all I've been able to achieve. How to go on?

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Oct 19 12:17:50 PDT 2009

Florian v. Savigny wrote:
> Hi Xavier,
> thanks very much for your doggedness in this ...
>   > OK, try the attached patch.
>   >   filename="openchrome-new_modesetting_VM800.patch"
> I compiled and installed it, but now I'm unsure whether I should leave
> the last edit
>     Option "ModeSwitchMethod" "new"
> in place or whether I should comment it out. (I tried both; both
> resulted in the familiar black screen.)
> Does it matter?
> Best regards,
> Florian

You should leave it.
Can you please upload or attch the resulting log ?


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