[Openchrome-users] A black screen is all I've been able to achieve. How to go on?

Florian v. Savigny lorian
Mon Oct 19 23:22:48 PDT 2009

Hi Xavier,

  > > I'm unsure whether I should leave the last edit
  > >     Option "ModeSwitchMethod" "new"
  > > in place or whether I should comment it out.

  > You should leave it.

Done so; left it in place.

  > Can you please upload or attch the resulting log ?

Yes, of course; please see:


Thanks very much again, and best regards,


PS: BTW, just because I don't want to miss anything important: the
command I'm currently always invoking to test whether, or how, X runs
is 'X -config <my xorg.conf>'. According to the Gentoo documentation,
this should result in the familiar chequered black-and-white pattern
with the mouse cursor as a cross. (Hope they're right.)

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