[Openchrome-users] A black screen is all I've been able to achieve. How to go on?

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Wed Oct 21 16:08:40 PDT 2009

Florian v. Savigny wrote:
> Hi Xavier,
> I just played around a bit with the X command, and tried option
> -wr. Much to my suprise, the screen did turn white when the server
> started. No mouse cursor was, however, visible. The white screen also
> contained a 2x2cm square slightly to the right and slightly below the
> centre of the screen where a number of pixels looked just like very
> tiny confetti, i.e. they weren't white, but various colors. (This was
> the case every time the white screen appeared.)
This may be the cursor, if there is an issue with hardware cursor for
some reason. Try forcing the use of software cursor with Option "SWCursor"


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