[Openchrome-users] Extend monitors on Open Chrome

Paulo Henrique phbotelho
Fri Feb 12 01:55:37 PST 2010


I'm Brazilian and have one question about how configure the video on my
laptop, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01).

I'm try without success configure my pc for work with 2 monitors, two
resolutions. I'm read on the website this:

* Although the hardware supports dual head, it is currently not implemented.
The only possibility is clone mode, but with the same resolution and refresh
rate on the 2 outputs. *

* Randr support is currently worked on, but it's not ready yet. *
Same not working this, i wish to work sometimes only my monitor extern,
disabling with this the laptops monitor. How Do that correct?!

Now i'm using one configuration on Xorg for do that, but am afraid of cause
damager in the laptops monitors.

Sorry for my bad english...

P.S.: my xorg config what work only my monitor extern to be on attached.
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