[Openchrome-users] Openchrome 0.2.904 gives mmio error

DMA02 userforum
Wed Jan 27 23:56:49 PST 2010

Re: Openchrome 0.2.904 gives mmio error
Well I managed to get it to work, though I don't know why. I hope someone might tell me what I did that worked. I still get some funky display anomalies and some warnings in the xorg logs.

I added the following options to my Xorg.conf

Option   "I2CScan"
Option   "VBEModes"
Option   "SWCursor"
Option   "ShadowFB"
Option   "PanelSize"   "1024x768"
Option   "VbeSaveRestore"
Option   "ModeSwitchMethod"  "new"

I also had to go to my BIOS menu and increase the shared VGA memory to 64M (the max my bios will let me set.)

I still get a warning in my xorg log that tells me:
(EE) CHROME(0) :[drm] No DRM framebuffer heap available
[drm] Please increase the frame buffer
[drm] memory area in the BIOS. Disabling DRI


(EE) CHROME(0) : [dri] Frame Buffer initialization failed.
(II)  CHROME(0) : direct rendering disabled.

I get some funny display problems. I load FluxBox and some of the edges of windows are supposed to be Red color, but when I move the mouse over them they turn gray.

Is there a place I can see what each one of those Options are and what they do so I can figure out what to turn on and off and if I need some option specific to my hardware / needs.

Any help is appreciated.


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