[Openchrome-users] Xorg.conf TV out

James A R Brown james
Fri Feb 11 12:38:25 PST 2011


I use s-video on my Via MB, (no VGA, no composite)

The following in xorg.conf used to work on a fairly old Openchrome
driver set:-
Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Device_openchrome"
    Driver      "openchrome"
    Option      "EnableAGPDMA"        "true"
    Option      "ActiveDevice"        "TV"
    Option      "TVType"              "PAL"
    Option      "TVOutput"            "S-Video"
    Option      "TVDeflicker"         "2"

However, recently using SVN909 with xorg7.6 I have found you need to #
out the ActiveDevice line to make it work.

Looking at the docs "ActiveDevice" is a valid option and should work.

Could someone kindly advise.



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