[Openchrome-users] Can't force a Screen Resolution with OpenChrome - VIA C7 processor & CN700 chipset

Antonio Dupont antonio
Mon May 2 14:05:32 PDT 2011


After upgrading a Via C7 motherboard  from rev. 3 to rev. 4, we are having
problems with consistent video resolution settings of our video display. It
seems when the units are turned off for over an hour the default video
setting  (800x480) doesn't always come up.  We've tried many settings in our
xorg.conf file to no avail.  We come to the conclusions that:

- Openchrome appears to ignore "Modelines" in xorg.conf (at least the way we
are setting them)
- OpenChrome only runs 640x480 and 800x600 ModeLines for our particular
monitor (7" Xenarc TSV700), it always defaults to 800 x 600.
- We can't force the FixPanelSize (message from /var/log/Xorg.log  "Can't
force panel size")
- Our monitor (Xenarc TSV700) has no DDC capabilities, but we also can't
turn off DDC capabilities for OpenChrom.
- The HorizSync and VertRefresh values in xorg.conf seem to have an affect
on our video, but other parameters or options we tried do not. (xorg.conf is

What we would like to do:
- Ignore DDC and force only one panel size w/OpenChrome (800x600 preferred.
800x480 acceptable.)
- If OpenChrome will not run our xorg.conf config file then how can we get
it to run 800x600 or 800 480. (edit the source code?)

Please set us straight and let us know what we should be doing. I've went
through the last two years of the mailing list and see a lot of the
suggestions to compile the latest driver.  Up to this point, I've been using
the pre-built RPMs, but will compile the latest driver now, however in the
meantime, if there are any xorg.conf settings other things I should try with
the driver we are using, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Information about our system:
*Our OS: CentOS release 5 (Final)
*Kernel: 2.6.18-8.el5
*X Window System Version 7.1.1
*Driver - we use openChrome v 0.2.900-7.el5 and have tested with openChrome
v 0.2.903-1 (the least RPM from Fedora EPEL project)
*Our MB and video chip:
**00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/VN800/P4M800CE/Pro Host
**01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro
IGP (rev 01)
*Our Monitor model: XENARC 700TSV -
*Driver:  v 0.2.900-7.el5  from EPEL, we also tried the latest rpm from EPEL
v. 0.2.903
*Xorg.conf (as you can see by the # we have tried a variety of options)
  # Xorg configuration created by system-config-display

 Section "ServerLayout"
         Identifier     "single head configuration"
         Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
         InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
         InputDevice    "EETI" "SendCoreEvents"

 Section "ServerFlags"
         Option      "BlankTime" "0"
         Option      "StandbyTime" "0"
         Option      "SuspendTime" "0"
         Option      "OffTime" "0"

 Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier  "EETI"
         Driver      "egalax"
         Option      "Device" "/dev/hiddev0"
         Option      "Parameters" "/var/lib/egalax.cal"
         Option      "ScreenNo" "0"

 Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier  "Keyboard0"
         Driver      "kbd"
         Option      "XkbModel" "pc105"
         Option      "XkbLayout" "us"

 Section "Monitor"
         Identifier   "Monitor0"
         ModelName    "LCD Panel 800x480"
 ### Comment all HorizSync and VertSync values to use DDC:
         HorizSync    31.50-37.90
         VertRefresh  60.00-75.00
 #       Option      "FixPanelSize" "800x600"
 #       Option      "UseModeline"
 #       Option      "dpms"
 #       ModeLine  "800x600 at 60" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628
+hsync  +vsync
 #        UseModes "Custom modes"

 #Section "Modes"
 #         Identifier "Custom modes"
 #         ModeLine  "800x600 at 60" 50.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628
+hsync +vsync
 #         ModeLine "1280x1024"    108   1280 1346 1458 1688    1024 1025
1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
 #        Option      "FixPanelSize"
 #        Option      "UseModeline"

 Section "Device"
         Identifier  "Videocard0"
         Driver      "openchrome"
 #       Driver      "via"
         Option      "Rotate" "CCW"
 #        Option      "VBEModes" "true"
 #       ModeLine  "800x600 at 60" 50.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628
 #       ModeLine "1280x1024"    108   1280 1346 1458 1688    1024 1025 1028
1066 +hsync +vsync
        Option      "FixPanelSize"
        Option      "UseModeline"
 #      Option "PanelSize" "800x600"

 Section "Screen"
         Identifier "Screen0"
         Device     "Videocard0"
         Monitor    "Monitor0"
         DefaultDepth     24
         SubSection "Display"
                 Viewport   0 0
                 Depth     24
                 Modes "800x600" #this does seem to do anything for this
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