[Openchrome-users] Can't get openchrome to work with TV-OUT

Gabriele Tozzi gabriele
Sun Feb 12 03:49:20 PST 2012


I'm trying to setup openchrome with TV-OUT.
I've tried almost any possible combination without any success: I always 
get a black & white picture.

I'll be grateful if you could please help me.

Thank you


xorg.conf: attached

lspci -v:
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 
Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA 
         Subsystem: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 
CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro]
         Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 16
         Memory at f4000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=64M]
         Memory at fb000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
         [virtual] Expansion ROM at fc000000 [disabled] [size=64K]
         Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 2
         Capabilities: [70] AGP version 3.0
         Kernel modules: viafb
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