[Openchrome-users] No lunch with OpenChrome on VX900

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Wed May 9 00:49:31 PDT 2012

On 05/09/2012 12:53 AM, Uttam wrote:
> Hello,
> I've had no luck on getting OpenChrome to work on this specific set of
> hardware that I have so I tried *viafb* and I've had some luck but I am
> only getting 8bit depth.
Please try with openchrome X driver only, don't mix with viafb. It will 
ease the debug.

> I've tried every possible option. Even building the latest openchrome
> master branch and the kms-branch with the drm-openchrome kernel does not
> yield any successfull result.
Please don't use the drm-openchrome kernel, it has known issues and you 
don't need it for user mode setting anyway.
Trying either master or kms_branch should be fine though. Please note 
that kms_branch is not yet fully ready for consumption and has known 
screen corruption issue, but that shouldn't prevent X from running and 
it's still a good idea to test both.

> I am using Ubuntu 12.04. Here are some output:
> $ lspci
> VGA compatible controller:
> VIA Technologies, Inc. VX900 Graphics [Chrome9 HD]
> $ sudo modprobe viafb viafb_mode=1024x768 viafb_active_dev=LCD+CRT
> $ fbset -i -fb /dev/fb1
> mode "1024x768-60"
>      # D: 65.007 MHz, H: 48.368 kHz, V: 60.010 Hz
>      geometry 1024 768 1024 768 32
>      timings 15383 160 24 29 3 136 6
>      accel true
>      rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0
> endmode
> Frame buffer device information:
>      Name        : Via
>      Address     : 0xd0000000
>      Size        : 132104192
>      Type        : PACKED PIXELS
>      Visual      : TRUECOLOR
>      XPanStep    : 0
>      YPanStep    : 1
>      YWrapStep   : 0
>      LineLength  : 4096
>      Accelerator : Trident TGUI
> Thank you.
Please provide a description of the hardware (brand, model) and setup 
(motherboard + VGA port ? laptop ? ).
Please also provide full X log.


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