[Openchrome-users] [OpenChrome Users] A little thanks inbetween for your work

someone from userland h_mailinglists at posteo.de
Fri Aug 18 12:06:35 UTC 2017

Dear Kevin,

I just wanted to show you a sign of appreciation. I guess few people 
come by and say "Thanks for your work!". I definitely appreciate that 
you still care for this hardware. It is usually a strength of freedom 
software that aging hardware is still supported. Well, most VIA chips 
hardly ever were fully supported, yet. I've been with these drivers 
since xf86-video-via (CLE266), unichrome, openchrome and I still do have 
a few VIA chipsets around (most should be CN700) and I hope that they'll 
see the light of day (KMS, working MPEG2 accel., reliable monitor 
detection), because otherwise the HW is still fairly okay for many 
So let me say "Thanks!", again, for your work on a not very common and 
especially elderly HW and the Openchrome driver stack.

I wish you a lot of inner strength to proceed and to overcome possible 
obstacles. And remember, there are (non-developer) people who are 
grateful that someone still takes care of these things. I also hope that 
I'll find the time to test some of my HW on your recent releases, but 
currently life keeps me very busy.
Should you ever come to visit Germany feel free to remind me to give you 
a big drink of your choice. :-)


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