[OpenFontLibrary] Open Font Library Podcast: Dev Talk #1

Ben Weiner ben at readingtype.org.uk
Wed Jun 3 11:02:13 PDT 2009


Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> Ok, listening.  It still slightly worries me that all the new code 
> being written is duplicating lots of code that is already out there...
OK, well, please give us some more hints about which functionality we 
shouldn't be duplicating... ;-)
> Also, Ed talks about fontconfig being a mystery.  If someone doesn't 
> understand some part of it, all they need to do is ask.  I'll explain 
> until they understand :).
What happens if you get kidnapped or lose your internet connection?


Ben Weiner | http://readingtype.org.uk/about/contact.html

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