[OpenFontLibrary] commercial foundries the licensing boils down to "pay me"
Nicolas Mailhot
nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Wed Jun 3 11:27:54 PDT 2009
Le mercredi 03 juin 2009 à 13:43 -0400, Fontfreedom at aol.com a écrit :
> Actually, it's often worse than just "pay me". Even once you've paid,
> would that commercial license allow you to create a derivative font
> for your own specialized needs or desires, even if only used
> internally? Probably not.
However in practice this part is not checked nor is there any effort to
write licenses end-users can understand. Which is why dafont and friends
can get by with abysmal licensing documentation without anyone in the
closed fonts world complaining.
Nicolas Mailhot
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