[OpenFontLibrary] Firefox 3.5 showing off @font-face prominently
Nicolas Mailhot
nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Wed Jun 17 11:16:42 PDT 2009
Le mercredi 17 juin 2009 à 16:53 +0100, Dave Crossland a écrit :
> Hi,
> Just upgraded my Firefox to the 3.5 prerelease, and its welcome page
> is http://en-us.www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/3.5/whatsnew/ which uses
> a comic font loaded via
> http://en-us.www.mozilla.com/style/tignish/firstrun-3-5-rc1.css but
> which I can't track down the developers of. Its available from
> http://www.dafont.com/Laffayette-Comic-Pro.font but I see no clear
> copyright license :(
Yay for @font-face. Not surprised the first examples are misuse.
The mozilla blog that was posted promoted css patterns with @font-face
with yet other ways to make people miserable (decide you want Helvetica
Neue, admit it's not available everywhere, link through @font-face a
mgopen file instead, but not tell the navigator the mgopen is ok so
systems that have mgopen installed or know how to substitute it get to
download the web ttf inconditionally)
I'm not impressed but then I'm about the only person on this list who
never believed in @font-face world-saving powers in the first place.
Nicolas Mailhot
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