[OpenFontLibrary] Hevetice Neue on the OpenFont site
Dave Crossland
dave at lab6.com
Wed Jun 24 12:37:59 PDT 2009
2009/6/24 Nicolas Spalinger <nicolas_spalinger at sil.org>:
>> So, what license are you using for it?
>> -Joshua
> I also wonder if there is a particular reason your metadata is so minimal.
> I do realise metadata can be an afterthought when focusing on the design
> but why not declare which rights you choose to give/reserve (up to you
> to decide) since you're publishing a version of your ongoing work on a
> public URL?
I'm not releasing it there, its just informally there for my own
testing purposes, and since its a work in progress file in a private
project, I have done totally nothing with metadata.
I wouldn't really recommend using that file for anything, just look at
the diacritics - total bullshit :)
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