[OpenFontLibrary] Setting up self hosting

nooalf at aol.com nooalf at aol.com
Wed Nov 6 09:40:48 CET 2013

On billboards? That woud be kool! 

Thanks for the little Chromebook tutorial. I'v been too bizzy to learn how to use it. I'm slowly digging myself out of the Windows mindset. 

On 5 Nov 2013, at 10:52, nooalf at aol.com wrote:

> HAHAHA! Who iz Bruno Maag? 

He runs a well known type design agency. He’s a loud critic of Free fonts. But 
don’t get the wrong idea, i like him and admire the work he & his agency does. 
Just thought it would make a good specimen for JRUG_PUNK.

So nooalf, when are we going to see your fonts being used big time? They should 
be on billboards imo.

> How do you get the font to show up without it being installed? 
> (I'm on a Chromebook rite now)

If you want to view the character set of a font using a Chromebook, you can add 
the .otf or .ttf file to your google drive @ https://drive.google.com/#my-drive
then you can double click the font file in your drive, and Google docs will 
preview the font characters for you.

> The correct spelling for that iz KoKSUKR.

can’t believe i missed that

-----Original Message-----
From: vernon adams <vern at newtypography.co.uk>
To: Open Font Library <openfontlibrary at lists.freedesktop.org>
Sent: Tue, Nov 5, 2013 4:58 pm
Subject: Re: [OpenFontLibrary] Setting up self hosting

On 5 Nov 2013, at 10:52, nooalf at aol.com wrote:

> HAHAHA! Who iz Bruno Maag? 

He runs a well known type design agency. He’s a loud critic of Free fonts. But 
don’t get the wrong idea, i like him and admire the work he & his agency does. 
Just thought it would make a good specimen for JRUG_PUNK.

So nooalf, when are we going to see your fonts being used big time? They should 
be on billboards imo.

> How do you get the font to show up without it being installed? 
> (I'm on a Chromebook rite now)

If you want to view the character set of a font using a Chromebook, you can add 
the .otf or .ttf file to your google drive @ https://drive.google.com/#my-drive
then you can double click the font file in your drive, and Google docs will 
preview the font characters for you.

> The correct spelling for that iz KoKSUKR.

can’t believe i missed that

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