[OpenFontLibrary] WordPress & fonts, bundling vs. linking

Vernon Adams vern at newtypography.co.uk
Mon Nov 11 19:55:40 PST 2013

I’m not sure i understand the reason for bundling in a font like that? Is it to be used for the wordpress UI etc? If so then i can’t see the big deal in fussing over the extra kb’s. Isn’t a default Wordpress install big enough that the extra footprint of a single font family a non-issue?

On 11 Nov 2013, at 14:05, Manuel Schmalstieg <webdev at ms-studio.net> wrote:

> Over at http://make.wordpress.org/core/2013/11/11/open-sans-bundling-vs-linking/
> the WordPress crowd is pondering the pros and cons of bundling a
> webfont (OpenSans) with the next version of WP.
> The main question is: how to keep the filesize small enough, while
> meeting the multiple user needs regarding character sets.
> I'm sure they would be happy about some advice from the experts here :)
> Manuel

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