[Openicc] Colormanagement in Gutenprint

Hal V Engel hvengel at astound.net
Thu Apr 21 06:50:13 EST 2005

On Wednesday 20 April 2005 01:32 pm, Carol Spears wrote:
> the gimp developers do not want their color management to depend on
> liblcms.

The GIMP developers do not what to be dependant on a SPECIFIC CMS library like 
lcms.  No matter what they do to get color management they will need to use 
someones CMS libraries.  They are doing this to make it possible to run GIMP 
on the widest possible set of platforms.  So on Windows they might use the 
Windows supplied CMS engine and on Linux they might use lcms or Argyllcms.  
But the only other alternative would be to implement their own.  I don't 
think they would even consider doing that since lcms is a very good CMS 

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