[Openicc] Re: [argyllcms] Seeking Generic CMYK Profile

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue Aug 2 23:04:22 EST 2005

Jan-Peter Homann wrote:

 > Hello Gerhard, hello List
 > As I understand the documentation of Argyllcms, the -k options are only
 > depending from the lightness of an color and not from the saturation
 > graeme, is this interpretation right ?

Yes it is. Of course one could create any sort of black generation
rule you like, if you're prepared to define it, and code it.

 > For a first version, I would try
 > -kr
 > (selects a linear locus ramp, starting at minimum black for highlight,
 > and maximum black for shadow (equivalent to -kp 0 0 1 1 1)
 > -I 340
 > -L 99
 > -s photogamut.icc (this profile has a gamut very similar to the ICC
 > reference-medium gamut. See also http://www.photogamut.org
 > If you would calculate a profile based on FOGRA27 charecterization-data,
 > I would make some comparisons to ISOcoated.icc from ECI and
 > EuropeISOcoatedFOGRA27.icc from Adobe

What I'd do is use xicclu -fif -g to see what effects the different
-k parameters have, as well as testing the profile out on a grey ramp,
and tuning it. For FOGRA27 for instance, I picked -k p 0 0.05 0.7 0.6 1.5 -l280
as a reasonable start.

Graeme Gill.

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