[OpenICC] Oyranos APIs update
Jan-Peter Homann
homann at colormanagement.de
Thu Sep 15 22:19:54 EST 2005
Hello Kai-Uwe, hello list
I want to give some comments from the view of an colormanagement consultant.
First we need something like "colormanagement-policies" and the
possibility to save/export/import a complete "colormanagement-setting"
wich includes the profiles and the colormanagement policies.
The structure of the colorsettings / colormanagement-policies in the
Adobe Creative Suite 2, are fine for graphics arts people with one
critical point.
Actually all the big players donĀ“t distinguish the settings for the
RGB-workingspace and the settings for untagged RGB-data.
In such environments, the profile for the RGB-workingspace is
automaticly assigned for untagged RGB-data.
According W3C recommendations and IEC 61699 for consumer-devices, sRGB
is common for untagged RGB-data.
Assigning a large-gamut RGB-workingspace to untagged sRGB-data results
to heavy colorshifts.
So it would make sense to make a new default profiles field in Oraynos:
- Untagged RGB-data. The name "Workspace Profile" should renamed to "RGB
Workspace-Profile" CMYK Input Profile should be renamed to "CMYK
Workspace Profile" Espcialy for applications like e.g. Scribus or
Inkascape, such profile describes the appereance of CMYK-colors
generated by the user and not only for placed content.
For device-profiles, I think, it is better and much more transparent to
configure the profiles in the applications for image aquisition or
For a more clear user-interface it would make sense to hide the profiles
for Lab and XYZ.
A new part of oraynos should be named "colormanagement-policies" with
e.g. following options:
- embedd source-profile
- convert to RGB Workspace (default)
- convert to CMYK Workspace
profile dialogues:
show dialogues during
- opening untagged data
- opening data with profile mismatch
- copy and paste with profile mismatch
- dont show profile dialogues
layout and graphics applications:
- preserve embedded profiles for placed RGB-files
- preserve embedded profiles for placed CMYK-files
- preserve CMYK-values for placed CMYK-files
- convert all placed files to RGB workingspace
- convert all placed files to CMYK workingspace
- do colormanagement in the printer driver (default)
- do colormanagement in application
- rendering intent
For every Oraynos colorsetting should be a description for the enduser.
If an application makes use of an Oraynos colorsetting, it should
present this description to the user and a link/button to open Oyranos.
For the LINUX apps targeting the graphics arts market, it would make
sense to deliver default Oyrans settings, which are comparable to
standard-settings in Adobe Creative Suite 2 concerning standard-profiles
and colormanagement policies.
:-) Jan-Peter
Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> Hi,
> the unstable Oyranos APIs documentation is online. See:
> <www.oyranos.org>
> stable considered APIs:
> o Default Profiles API
> o Path Names API
> o Profile Lists API
> o Profile Handling API - as small as it is currently
> o Monitor API - except the monitor information handling
> unstable API:
> o Device Profiles API
homann colormanagement ------ fon/fax +49 30 611 075 18
Jan-Peter Homann ------------- mobile +49 171 54 70 358
Kastanienallee 71 ------- http://www.colormanagement.de
10435 Berlin --------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de
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