[Openicc] Collaborative writing of ICC whitepapers

Jan-Peter Homann homann at colormanagement.de
Thu Jan 26 04:51:58 PST 2006

Hello List,
This mail is especially adressed to experienced colormanagement consultants.

We are all taking active part on delivering better colormanagement
workflows to the public based on the ICC specs.

In some cases, the problems can´t be solved with better education to the
users or better ICC-implementation in the applications.

The ICC specs itself, or ICC-whitepapers describing additional functions
for ICC workflows, should be developed.

A good example of such a whitepaper is the description of Adobe
blackpoint compensation at www.color.org

As ICC-members and developers told me, they need input from
colormanagement consultants and experienced users, I made an example of
using a wiki for collaborative writing white papers for the ICC.
At www.freedesktop.org is already a wiki concerning ICC-implementations
in Opensource applications. I choosed this place, to give an example
about better handling of grey objects in ICC-workflows.
Feel free to make comments directly in the wiki, after you create your

(read the part about enhancing the ICC-specs on the bottom

(First proposal of a white paper)

Colorful greetings today from warsaw
:-) Jan-Peter Homann


homann colormanagement ------ fon/fax +49 30 611 075 18
Jan-Peter Homann ------------- mobile +49 171 54 70 358
Kastanienallee 71 ------- http://www.colormanagement.de
10435 Berlin --------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de

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