[Openicc] new: Proof colour space

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue May 16 19:16:50 PDT 2006

almccart at lexmark.com wrote:

> I think the distinction is that an RGB proofing space would be
> shaped like a printer space - i.e., have print-referred image state.
> That is not the case with the common 'working spaces' as far as
> I know.  I am very interested to hear of a public domain
> print-referred RGB space.  It would be advantageous to use
> an existing one if such is available.

Sorry, I don't see the point at all. If your intention is
to create a proofing preview and ship it to someone else
in a device independent way, why not simply send an Lab file ?
Why invent yet another RGB colorspace ?

Graeme Gill.

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