[Openicc] seeking for advice on rendering intent and black point compensation

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Wed Oct 3 15:55:57 PDT 2007

Sven Neumann wrote:

> I am wondering now how often someone will want to choose a different
> rendering intent. If it happens only in some rare corner cases, then it
> should be OK to take the extra step of doing the conversion manually, as
> described above.

It depends (as usual) on the type of users. Some I'm sure don't
know, and don't want to know much/anything about color, and will
be pleased with defaults and minimal hassles. On the other hand,
those that do worry about exactly how the image is going to
look, will be concerned with these details for nearly
every image they work on, and may be irritated by the
need to remember to invoke a separate command for every image.

The best solution may be to allow this behaviour to be
configurable - traditionally in image manipulation
programs there is a configuration that allows setting
the behaviour for profile mismatch (ie. "Ignore", "Convert",
"Ask"), assumed profile, when to embed profiles etc.

Graeme Gill.

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