[Openicc] seeking for advice on rendering intent and black point compensation

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Wed Oct 3 22:23:28 PDT 2007

Graeme Gill wrote:
> Sven Neumann wrote:
>> I am wondering now how often someone will want to choose a different
>> rendering intent. If it happens only in some rare corner cases, then it
>> should be OK to take the extra step of doing the conversion manually, as
>> described above.
> It depends (as usual) on the type of users. Some I'm sure don't
> know, and don't want to know much/anything about color, and will
> be pleased with defaults and minimal hassles. On the other hand,
> those that do worry about exactly how the image is going to
> look, will be concerned with these details for nearly
> every image they work on, and may be irritated by the
> need to remember to invoke a separate command for every image.

When you face this sort of user level distinction, it can be worth
having an expandable dialog where a ">>" or whatever button shows
advanced options (and once tabbed open, remembers its state). The
GTK+/GNOME file dialog takes this approach, and while I don't much like
how they did it, the principle is sound.

Craig Ringer

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