[Openicc] seeking for advice on rendering intent and black point compensation

Alastair M. Robinson blackfive at fakenhamweb.co.uk
Fri Oct 5 03:31:54 PDT 2007


Sven Neumann wrote:

> If you decline that offer and keep the color profile attached, the
> display correction filter will take it into account and use a separate
> Embedded profile (Adobe) -> Display transform.

That's good to hear :)

> You can however decide to keep the color profile and then convert it
 > manually by choosing the color profile conversion from the image menu.
 > This will give you more control over the conversion and allows to
 > specify rendering intent and black point compensation.

OK - then I think I'm in agreement - that's sufficient.

> The question is now whether the
> preferences for this conversion should be shared with the preferences
> for the display color correction. As far as I understand you, you
> disagree with this and suggest to add another preference option (or two
> if BPC is kept separate).

That would be my preference, yes - as I said before, converting between 
working spaces is a different operation from converting from a working 
space to output profile.  And adjusting the display properties to 
"trick" GIMP into converting image data differently is not intuitive.

> I am wondering now how often someone will want to choose a different
> rendering intent. If it happens only in some rare corner cases, then it
> should be OK to take the extra step of doing the conversion manually, as
> described above.

Again, we come up against the eternal balance between making things 
friendly and non-intimidating for new users on the one hand, and giving 
advanced users the facilities they need to streamline their workflow on 
the other.

But yes, if it's a rare corner case, converting manually is not much 
hardship, and if a whole batch needs to be treated differently one can 
change the preferences.

All the best,
Alastair M. Robinson

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