[Openicc] ColorVision Open Source Policy

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Mon Nov 12 22:07:36 PST 2007

Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> A bit of research will likely reveal that the profit margins from 
> associated software are much greater than the margins associated with 
> the measurement device.  They probably feel that if they give away the 
> hardware interface, someone will create software which undercuts their 
> own products.  In fact, it may be a commercial competitor which takes 
> advantage of the hardware but offers much more sophisticated 
> software, or offers the same thing at a better price.

I'd buy that argument, except for one thing:
The device isn't available without their basic software.
This immediately puts any such software competitor at a huge
cost/profit disadvantage, unless there is a compelling reason to buy
the alternative (such as running on an unsupported platform :-).

Such artificial lock-in/cross-subsidization strategies always have their risks
(CueCat anyone ?), and distort markets. [You should see the rate at
which Petrol/Gas stations are disappearing around here, all because
the supermarkets are cross subsidizing fuel at 4c/Litre. What competition ?]
I don't have much sympathy when such strategies come undone. Better to
sell each component on it's merits, each with their own profit margin,
and let the market decide.

Graeme Gill.

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