[Openicc] ColorVision Open Source Policy

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue Nov 13 04:41:09 PST 2007

Robert Krawitz wrote:
>    needed in this case.  The real issue is that the driver is likely
>    never going to be available for the platforms that we support not
>    that the driver/library is crippled or has limited functionality.
>    After all they use this same driver/library to support their own
>    software and at least the higher end versions of their software are
>    very feature rich.
> That would assume that they'd actually document all those goodies.

In reality their Spyder 2 SDK API is pretty simple. The HCFR group
decoded the small number of function calls in their DLL a while
ago. See <http://colorhacks.blogspot.com/> about half way down (CVSpyder.dll).

> an automatically detected printer!".  They're not interested in color
> management, linearization, or anything else esoteric.  So what happens
> is that these vendors get the messages that "proprietary is fine" and
> "Linux isn't interested in anything high end".

To be fair to ColorVision, they do offer some display calibrations packages
that claim to be quite sophisticated - see <http://www.colorvision.com/news/news_2007-1016.php>.

I notice they have even copied Argyll's recalibration feature :-) :-)

Graeme Gill.

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