[Openicc] ALL YOU NEED IS A PROFILE, THE MYTH. (WAS CC Profiles In X Specification and dispwin)

Alastair M. Robinson blackfive at fakenhamweb.co.uk
Fri Jan 18 15:20:08 PST 2008


Robert Krawitz wrote:

> As an alternative that would be easier to implement, let me propose
> this:

> 1) Make the drop size and subchannel strengths accessible as
>    Gutenprint parameters, and document them.


> 2) Document the file format for a particular RIP (Alastair, would
>    PhotoPrint be reasonable for this purpose?  What are your plans for
>    curves?)

PhotoPrint's preset format is pretty simplistic and easy to read in a 
text editor, so yes, possible.
As for curves, it's been a while since I looked closely at how the print 
plugin does it - if memory serves, the gutenprint library has get/set 
functions which accept and provide an XML snippet, yes?  So my plan was 
simply to add support for multi-line data to my preset file format, 
using PHP-style heredoc, i.e.
<XML stuff
which runs onto multiple lines>

> 3) Allow Gutenprint to at least read curves from PPD files, or read
>    file names containing curves from said PPD files.

The latter is probably more realistic.  Am I right in thinking CUPS can 
now make use of helper applications to generate PPDs on the fly?  If so, 
that may be something to explore.

> 4) Document more clearly what the key ink-related parameters do.

That most definitely gets a thumbs up! :)

> Would that be good enough?

Only if such settings can be applied as part of the backend, and can be 
easily distributed.  As I understand it the need we're trying to solve 
here is to get these settings *right*, then nailed down, so the response 
from a specific model family, paper and ink will be consistent for the 
forseeable future.

All the best,
Alastair M. Robinson

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