[Openicc] List Scope

Bob Friesenhahn bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us
Wed Jan 30 08:46:31 PST 2008

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Graeme Gill wrote:
> But I guess if the general consensus is that such discussions
> are too technical and low level for this list, then there
> is a simple solution, and that is that it's time to start
> a mailing list for those interested in discussing color

I should point out that my opinion is just my own opinion which is no 
more equal than anyone else's opinion.  The detailed discussions that 
I was not interested in are obviously important.  I continue to think 
that this group needs to be more supportive of those who are primarily 
interested in integrating the work of others (such as your own) in 
order to bring it to the "common man".  Without this, color management 
will remain on the fringe and will only be supported by a few 
applications which were willing to implemement a from-scratch 
framework just for that application.

A possible solution to the "excessive detail" problem is to set up 
several cooperating lists in order to allow detail discussions for 
each major sub-domain (display, print, film, measurement).  The main 
annoyance with this approach is that people are likely to cross-post 
which may result in more mail for some participants.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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